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About Us

Praise the Lord; for the Lord is good:
sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant.

Praise the Lord; for the Lord is good:
sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant.

Praise the Lord;
for the Lord is good:
sing praises unto his name;
for it is pleasant.

— Psalm 135:3 KJV —

PeterSongs® & Services, Inc. was established in 1996. Our mission is to provide music-related services that support traditional concepts and values, such as:

  • God
  • World peace and brotherhood
  • True love that gives more than receives
  • The “traditional” family, i.e., marriage between one man and one woman, the raising of children, the importance of family bonds, etc.
  • Sexual abstinence before marriage, and fidelity during marriage
  • Honesty, kindness, virtue, and other uplifting attributes


Please note: This is not the “Petersongs” company of Frank Peterson. For more information, please visit FP Web and Petersongs (FP) info.

PeterSongs® & Services, Inc. was established in 1996. Our mission is to provide music-related services that support traditional concepts and values, such as:

  • God
  • World peace and brotherhood
  • True love that gives more than receives
  • The “traditional” family, i.e., marriage between one man and one woman, the raising of children, the importance of family bonds, etc.
  • Sexual abstinence before marriage, and fidelity during marriage
  • Honesty, kindness, virtue, and other uplifting attributes


Please note: This is not the “Petersongs” company of Frank Peterson. For more information, please visit FP Web and Petersongs (FP) info.

PeterSongs® & Services, Inc. was established in 1996. Our mission is to provide music-related services that support traditional concepts and values, such as:

  • God
  • World peace and brotherhood
  • True love that gives more than receives
  • The “traditional” family, i.e., marriage between one man and one woman, the raising of children, the importance of family bonds, etc.
  • Sexual abstinence before marriage, and fidelity during marriage
  • Honesty, kindness, virtue, and other uplifting attributes


Please note: This is not the “Petersongs” company of Frank Peterson. For more information, please visit FP Web and Petersongs (FP) info.